About Chiropractic
"Every organ in your body is connected to the one under your hat" B.J. Palmer, son of D.D. Palmer
Chiropractic specialises in the diagnosis, treatment and management of musculoskeletal conditions that arise due to mechanical dysfunction of the joints and muscles of
the body.
Chiropractic treatment mainly involves safe, mostly gentle, specific adjustments, done by hand, to free joints in the spine or elsewhere in the body that are ‘fixated’
(not moving properly) or out of alignment.
These adjustments help the bones to realign, help the joints to regain their normal mobility and function and thereby relieve muscle spasm (often the cause of pain) and nerve irritation.
Soft tissue treatment (muscles, tendons, ligaments) by hand may also be used to further relax tight muscles and help release nerve irritation.
Individual exercises and postural or ergonomic advice can also be given to aid the treatment process and to help prevent the recurrence of specific conditions.
Problems That Chiropractic Can Treat