Telephone lines open from 8.30am till 7.00pm Monday - Saturday
Clinic Opening Hours
Appointments can usually be made over the telephone outside of the clinic opening hours.
Treatment Costs(Price change as of October 2020)
Adults Children / StudentsConsultation with treatment £45.00Treatments £26.00 Previous PatientsIf you have attended this clinic previously, but not within the last twelve months, or you are presenting with a new complaint, you will need to be allocated a half-hour appointment in order to refresh the findings of the initial consultation. The cost is £35.00.Treatments charged at the appropriate rate thereafter. Private Health SchemesWe are registered with most insurers and private health schemes. If you have the relevant cover, you will be able to claim back part or all of your chiropractic fees from your insurer.Free Screening / Free Chat If after browsing this site you are still unsure whether Chiropractic is for you, please contact the clinic to make an appointment for a Free Screening. This is a no obligation visit where you will be given a brief examination and advise on the best treatment. Obviously no treatment or x-rays will be given, but the chiropractor will tell you whether he can help you or not. |